Aim: A modern library for building production-grade compilers

Building compilers doesn't have to be rocket science. This open-source library aims to be easy to build and easy to understand while, thanks to Rust, remaining performant, reliable, and productive.


In the long term, the aim for xrcf is to allow building compilers that can compile any programming language to any target architecture.

In the near term, the aim is to use xrcf to build a fully functional compiler that can compile the ArnoldC language to an executable. To see the compiler in action, see the walkthrough. ArnoldC is just a test case. If xrcf can handle it well, then it will be useful for other compiler projects too.

Lowering to CPU

In the table below, a checkmark ✅ means that at least one implementation exists which can lower the construct to code that can be executed on the CPU (via LLVM).

ConstructMLIRLLVM dialectLLVM IR
if else
for loop
while loop

For example, this table means that print can be lowered from MLIR to the LLVM dialect and then to LLVM IR. This means that to get your own print operation to run on the CPU, you only need to convert your own print operation to MLIR. From there, xrcf can be used to run your code on the CPU.

Lowering to GPU

High on the priority list.